Jeremy's Friends and Family

Posted by: Amanda Peter - - 9. January - 2007 14:47

Hey babe, well tomorrow will be 9 months and It feels like it was just yesterday. I miss you so much and each day that goes by you are in my thoughts. every time I come home from school I visit you and see your dad. He is so strong Jerm. We reminsce of all our memories and I see you through him. I know you watch over us. Your my angel Jeremy, everyones angel. Love you. <3 Amanda

Posted by: Jenny - - 31. December - 2006 22:19

Well Jerm it's almost the New Year-I know it's very hard on your dad right now but watch over him with your love -keep him safe. Every day I keep your dad & family in my prayers. I know you miss them as much as they do you.Happy 2007 Jerm. With all my love,Jenny

Posted by: joe maude - - 28. December - 2006 11:22

jeremy man its been a while. i miss u so much bro u just dont understand how all of us miss u. u were not just a friend to us but a brother. merry christmas bro. i keep thinking this is a bad dream it more a nightmare cuz u not here with us but i knwo u are in a better place with the lord cuz bro u are an angel and everybody knows it! keep guiding us through hard times and giving us ur gifts of memory and wisdom. take care and keep watching over us love ya bro that is for sure thanks for all u have done 4 me

Posted by: Christie Avery - - 27. December - 2006 07:39

Jeremy, Well christmas has come and gone. the first one without you here. I can only imagine how hard it was for Daddy. But I know you were there in your own special way for him that day. I went to church X-mas eve and just cried and cried for you. Thinking how hard it must be to be without you. Your dad is so strong it is amazing. You really would be proud of him. You must send him your love all the time to make him that strong. Thinking of you this Holiday Season and Everyday. Keep Smilin Kiddo! Lots of Love from all of us down here.!

Posted by: Angie - - 25. December - 2006 12:14

Merry Christmas

Posted by: Becca - - 25. December - 2006 01:05

Merry Christmas. I love you.

Posted by: Jenny - - 23. December - 2006 08:19

Hi Jerm- the days have been busy-between working, going to doctors and trying to shop for Christmas-it just doesn't seem like it should be Christmas already. If there was one wish I could give to your dad it would be for you to come back home but I know you are watching over him like you do every day. I bet it's decorated beautiful up there. One day I will get to see how nice it is-say hello to my sister for me. God bless everyone. Love ya lots.

Posted by: Grandadd & Grammie Helen - - 22. December - 2006 18:01

Dearest Jeremy, Just getting ready for the Holidays' and thinking of you. It will not be the same. We know you are watching over all of us as we think of you daily. Have been baking a few of your favorite cookies and thinking of you..wish I could send them to you, but will have to send all our love instead. Cannot be with your Dadd this Christmas, so hope you will watch over him as you always do and keep sending your loving gifts to him...Missing you forever and wishing you A Merry Christmas in heaven. lotsa love, Grandadd & Grammie Helen

Posted by: robin - 14. December - 2006 18:39

Hello, Jerm, It is almost Christams time. This is the time you and I would be shopping. Boy did I have so much fun, I hope you did. I think you did because the last few years you know about every thing you were getting. I remeber when you where little, it was so much fun to wake up and see your smiling face. Also as you got older you still made it seem like you did not know what you where getting. I rembere telling you not to tell dad you now the things you where getting. You did such a good job at that. I just did not want him made at us. And I think you know that. OH how I miss you right know. It has rained all day and I've been crying all day. Please Jerm lets wake up from this dream. I miss you so much. Love mommy xo

Posted by: Dad - - 10. December - 2006 20:53

Well Jerm, another month has passed. Not a minute passes, you are always on my mind. Just like today, you taught me something. Always look through the clouds...not at the clouds. A brighter day is just beyond. Just like this morning. I love you for that Buddy. Thank you for that lesson. Dad

Posted by: Angie - - 10. December - 2006 13:23

Hey Jeremy. I cannot believe that it has been eight months. I went bowling a few nights ago... I didn't do as well as I would have liked but everyone thought I was awesome. And I told them that it was because you tought me. The best of the best. Miss you

Posted by: Aunt Karen - gramme1@SBCGLOBAL.NET - 7. December - 2006 21:44

Jeremy this is a busy time getting ready for the holidays, but I\'m not too busy to remember you and your short life here on earth with all of us. Everytime I close my eyes and think of those who have passed on before me, and you are one of the first smiling faces I see first. You are watching over all of us and we are remembering you. We know you will be spending Christmas in all our hearts and in the embrace of Jesus, you and Grampa and our little ones in God\'s love. Love, Aunt Karen

Posted by: robin - 5. December - 2006 17:04

Jerm, I miss you so verey much. I had such a bad day, thinking of you. I want you to come home. I want this bad dream to go away. I made you a christmas tree and stocking. I just can not take down to the pole yet. I guess because I want you to come down the street and say every thing is ok. I love you Mommy xoxo

Posted by: stephanie - 28. November - 2006 14:18

Today would have been our 4 year anniversary, i miss you more then ever. I'm glad though that your so happy right now. I love you. Happy anniversary!

Posted by: Debbie Diegel - - 23. November - 2006 11:09

Hey Jeremy, Happy Thanksgiving!! We all miss you more than anything and you are always in our hearts and thoughts. Dude the races were just not the same without you, but Pam brought you with us as she wore her t-shirt with your beautiful face on it, it helped us keep you close to us and it felt that you were there with us. Everyone missed you and thought and talked about last year when we were all together. Love Always, Aunt Debbie

Posted by: robin - 22. November - 2006 17:19

Hello Jerm, Sure going to miss you this Thanksgiving. The holidays are going to be hard with out you here. I saw Steph today, we went to lunch. I had a real nice talk with her. It was nice to see her. I miss her also. But I miss you so much, I'm having a hard time doing things. I have to go for know. Getting ready to go up to the new house, Grama and Grampa are all ready moved in up there. I sure wish you could see the house. It is so big and alot of land and woods. You would just love it up there. I rembere how you always loved the woods. Ok the tears are coming I have to go. Love you Mommy xoxo I'm so sorry I could not make you better this time.

Posted by: Unlce Jeff - - 19. November - 2006 01:58

Jerm...... is's been sometime since I have written. Alot of things I'd love to say......but don't know how...please keep the gifts to your dadd.... and me too... love you!!! miss you too!!! uncle Jeff

Posted by: Amanda Peter - - 16. November - 2006 22:04

hey babe. all I can really say at this point is I miss you and wish you were here. I have dreams of you all the time and just think that when I wake up you will be just a phone call away. I visited you dad last weekend. We reminisce a lot. Your just simply amazing Jerm. I love you bunches. xoxo

Posted by: Grandadd & Grammie Helen - - 10. November - 2006 19:18

Seven months has passed and still doesn't seem possible. We both miss you very much Jerm. We are in the process of getting ready to come to Florida to be with your dad for the Thanksgiving holiday and will sure miss even more. Grammie will be bringing your favorite peanut butter & chocoltae chip cookies. Guess there will be plenty as usual. Nothing is the same without you Jerm, we all are having a difficult time but we know that you are watching and know how much we love you and miss you. Keep the gifts coming to your dad....lotsa love....grandadd & grammie helen

Posted by: J. Scott Pahel, Sr. - - 9. November - 2006 22:42

Hey Buddie, Well another month has pasted, they don't get any easier. I live with your memories every day, they are what keep me going. Jerm I miss you more then words can ever express, but you already know that. Thank you for the gifts, they mean the world to me, please keep them coming, I need every single one...I love you Buddie. Dad

Posted by: robin - - 9. November - 2006 09:54

Hey, Jerm, I still need more help down here. Things are getting harder and harder. I think about you so much. there is not a time in the day I don't think of you. Jerm it is just starting to hit me that you are not coming home. I just want to hold you and make it all better. Then we could go roller blading, and bike riding, to the mall. Just like we us too. I miss taking you to school and picking you up, and hearing about your day. Here is a hug and kiss for you Love Mommy xo

Posted by: michela cruise - - 29. October - 2006 14:40

hey jeremy! wow it was quite a shock to hear the news. i cant stop thinking about you though. my moms goign through all our pictures together fron when we were little. i miss you! cant wait til i see you again! love you michela

Posted by: robin - 26. October - 2006 08:54

Boy Jerm, I miss you so much. Lots of love to you Mommy xoxox

Posted by: joe maude - - 22. October - 2006 02:23

jeremy hey bro! today i went to see ya and i could not take the pain of not seeing u. i remember when i was getting ready to move to tampa you told me to take care and to stay strong and u understood my situation thanks for every thing u have done for me. well just stay watching over all of us like u are. i miss u so much man u were the brother i never had. well thanks again and keep on guiding us through our daily lives and helping us. -joe maude

Posted by: Niki - - 21. October - 2006 17:00

Miss u so much, and cANT WAIT TO meet up with u again~~ luv ya!!! You\'ll never be forgotten
