Jeremy's Friends and Family

Posted by: JoJo - - 10. April - 2007 12:46

Hey Bud, I can't believe it's been a year now... you have not left my mind in all that time. You are missed so much Jeremy, everytime I drive by your crash site I blow a kiss to you, so does Becca. We miss you so so so so so much, and love you. Until we meet again buddy, later gator <3

Posted by: Richard Sukanec - - 10. April - 2007 04:51

Jeremy, I remember like it was yesterday going to pray with all of your friends and family at the crash site. I didn't know you as well as the others but I knew you were a good kid and loved by many people. Rest in peace Jeremy, so long as we remember you, you will live on in our hearts.

Posted by: Debbie Diegel - - 10. April - 2007 04:03

Hey Jerm, it's Aunt Deb. I just couldn't whats new about that huh. I just can't believe it has been a year since you went to be with Jesus. You are still missed and loved as much today as you were a year ago. I will come visit when I get off work today. Just know you are in my thoughts everyday and I love you so much. It is comforting to know you are up there watching over all of us who love you and miss you so very much. See you later. Love Aunt Debbie

Posted by: joe maude - - 10. April - 2007 02:17

jeremy its been a year since u have left this world. Man i miss u so mcuh bro well u will remain in my prayers and thoughts and so will ur family. i will never forget u and all u have done thanks bro and we all luv ya and miss ya man joe

Posted by: Chris Hunerberg - - 10. April - 2007 01:55

There are moments in my life ill never forget, and this day last year is one of them. I can't beleive a year has passed already. We were going to play a video game online that night when you got off of work. I got out of class, and called you around 9:30pm but there was no answer. Shortly after that someone called me and gave me the news, but i brushed it off as a horrible prank, i was furious trying to find out who was spreading rumors like that; there was no way you were gone. It wasnt till i heard kristen crying that it really set in, i was floored. I didnt sleep at all that night. I spoke to my grandmother a few days later and i told her what happened, and she told me not to be upset. The Irish celebrate the passing of a great friend; someone like you that was always smiling was most defiantly in a better place than I. She said that the time spent together alive pales in comparison to eternity in the afterlife. Till we meet again.

Posted by: joey maude - - 9. April - 2007 02:58

happy easter jeremy

Posted by: Dad - - 8. April - 2007 11:59


Posted by: Michela - - 19. March - 2007 21:08

hey jerm! i've been thinking about you alot lately, my moms been talking to your mom alot, keeping me up to date on how everything is back home in their lives. i cant believe your really gone. i came home for christmas and thouht about running around the neighborhood. That was a sure way to see when when i hadnt talked to you in a while. it made me sad to think that you wouldnt be there. then i thought about that time we went ot he air together...that was what? freshman year? seems so far away now. i miss you!!!!!!!!!! *Michela*

Posted by: Robin - - 16. March - 2007 17:33

Hello Jerm It's mommy but you all ready know that. Sorry I have not worte to. But I'm not doing so good. I don't want to go on but know I have to. I don't want the 10th to came. I wish that day can just never come. I'm trying really hard not to think about it. We are going to see Gram and Papa at the end of the month, but I will be home for you on the 10th. I want you home so bad Jeremy, Losing my child is like no other pain. It hurts so bad. Please Jeremy come home please. What did I do so bad for this to happen? Please help me Jeremy. I just want to see you and here your voice, and give you a big hug. love Mommy xo

Posted by: joe maude - - 12. March - 2007 00:15

jeremy it been a while but i never forget about you man, i hope and pray that one day i might be able to meet with u again, man i miss ya and just wanted to say i love ya man and thanks for all u have done to help me and for being a great friend and for being like a brother to me. well keep lookin over us and help us through our lives. joe

Posted by: Grandadd & Grammie Helen - - 10. March - 2007 17:13

Hi Jeremy, Every time we see your picture, just can't believe you are not here, but you are watching over all of us. We miss you so much, but have all the wonderful memories that you gave us to hold close in our heart. lotsa love, Grandadd & Grammie Helen

Posted by: DAD - - 10. March - 2007 09:00

Morning Buddy, Eleven months today, it hardly seems possible. But everyday passes as if nothing has happened. Only to a few of us do we still feel the pain of your passing. My heart is filled with all the joy and wonderful memories of your life, and with all the sorrows of you leaving mine. Memories are for everyone, they are GIFTS that you recieve from loved ones. We should all treat them as such. I feel your angel like hands hold me up daily, it is such wonderful feeling Jeremy. I miss you kid, God I miss you. LUV you Buddy. DAD.

Posted by: DJ - - 9. March - 2007 12:14

hey jeremy i havent talked to you in a while because every time i come to sign this guessbook i see your face and it reminds me of all the good times we had you made my sister so happy your in my head every time i open my wallet because i see you picture. I hope your having fun up there love dj YAH BUDDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: Debbie Diegel - - 15. February - 2007 21:45

Hey Jeremy, Well I have been kicking myself for not writing before now...don't think that the 10th came and went without a thought of you. I think of you everyday. Happy Belated Valentine's Day too. I have just been exahausted as now working two jobs and I am not as young as I used to be. Well I promise to do better next month and as always you are in my heart and mind and will never be forgotten!! Love Always, Aunt Debbie

Posted by: Robin - 14. February - 2007 08:35

Happy Vanetine Day to the best son in the world. Jerm I miss you so much. Lots of Love Mommy Here is a hug and kiss for you.xoxo

Posted by: angie - 11. February - 2007 18:05

hey jeremy. i played monopoly last night and thought of you. it just wasn't the same. :( i just want you to know that you haven't been forgotten and you are missed so much.

Posted by: Grandadd & Grammie Helen - - 11. February - 2007 16:47

Hi Jeremy, Just thinking of you today and every day. Had a wonderful visit with your Dad. Missing you forever and always. We love you so much.

Posted by: Robin - 10. February - 2007 15:17

Hello, Jerm Sure do miss you. Every day is harder and harder here. I sure do miss you. I hope you know I think of you every day and night. I find a penny or dime and even a nickle every day. I guess that is your way of saying hi. I'm trying hard to find a way to anwers why this had to be. There are days I just don't even want to go on any more. But I know there are people here that need me. Also who would take care of Grama and papa? They give me alot help, all so Tony and the kids. But you know that because I know you looking down on Me and every thing else. Miss you so much Jerm I just wish you could come home. I look for you every day. I hope you know I cry in side every day wishing I could have made you better. But it was so much out of my control. I guess that is what is so hard. You know a mother should be able to kept there kids safe. But this is one thing I did not do good at. I'm so sorry Jerm I Faid you as a mother.Love you Jerm xoxox

Posted by: J. Scott Pahel, Sr. - - 10. February - 2007 09:14

Morning Jerm, Today marks another month past, ten to be exact, another first. Not a day, not a second, not a minute, not an hour passes that I don't feel your presence. The presence of warmth and love in my heart for you. You are my Hero Jerm, always have been, and you will always be my ONE AND ONLY! I Love You Buddy. XOXOXOXOX. Dad,

Posted by: Amanda Peter - - 24. January - 2007 01:08

I know your shining down on me from heaven.. one sweet day we will be together again. I miss u Jerm.

Posted by: Dad - - 10. January - 2007 23:18

1/10/07 Hey Jerm, 9 months today. You know, we waited 9 months to have you, and what a joy you are to have. Your spirit drives me everyday, the Lords grace blesses me everyday. With out the two of you I am nothing. I have been learning about Angels as you well know. There are so many types. I am still not sure which type of Angel you are, maybe you can help me with that, which ever type you are I am sure your the best one. I love you Jeremy, and miss you so. Both your Grandma's thank you for there Birthday Blessing and said to say hello. Luv ya Buddy!

Posted by: joe maude - - 10. January - 2007 12:13

Jeremy bro its a new year and i miss ya bro so much. everybody says a day goes by and we think about u ITS TRUE!! keep on guiding us through life and remember that u were the best friend i ever had and ever will have take care of us and you family giving us ur gifts and wisdom! well i miss ya and love ya man joe

Posted by: Grandadd & Grammie Helen - 10. January - 2007 09:11

Hi Jerm, it hardly seems as though 9 months have gone by. We think & talk of you every day & miss you very much. Everyone you touched in life misses you so very much. Keep sending your gifts to your dad.....lotsa love & prayers forever.....grandadd & Grammie Helen

Posted by: Robin - 10. January - 2007 06:27

Hello, Jerm, It has been 9 months. It still does not seem true. I still wait for you to come home. I miss you so much. When I'm up at the house I still find lots of pennies, so I know you are there. I just wish you where there with me to see the house. You would love it, it has lots of woods and land. Grama,and Papa said to say hi. They miss you so much also. It has been so hard on them. But we are all working togeather. Lots of love Mommy xoxoxo

Posted by: Amanda Peter - - 9. January - 2007 14:47

Hey babe, well tomorrow will be 9 months and It feels like it was just yesterday. I miss you so much and each day that goes by you are in my thoughts. every time I come home from school I visit you and see your dad. He is so strong Jerm. We reminsce of all our memories and I see you through him. I know you watch over us. Your my angel Jeremy, everyones angel. Love you. <3 Amanda
